Short courses
Achieving your Maximum Potential
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
This session focuses on building awareness on how a person thinks about themselves effects how they feel and in turn effects their actions. Time will be spent looking at limiting and empowering beliefs and how these effect achievement when setting personal and professional goals and dealing with difficult situations. Developing empowering but realistic beliefs is as important as having a good skill set. It is great to have the ability but we also need the desire, confidence and belief that we can achieve our goals.
"Whether you think you can or
Whether you think you can’t
You will normally be right"
(Henry Ford)
The link; Thoughts, Feelings and Actions.
Positive but realistic programming
Personal goal setting and developing a proactive way forward
Strategy in focusing on what you can control
Developing self-esteem and confidence
Examples of mental toughness
Going outside your comfort zone to enable learning and confidence
Negotiation Skills
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
The aim of the course is to provide participants with the skills and confidence to negotiate
successful outcomes in their dealings with internal and external clients so they can build long
lasting profitable business relationships.
What is negotiation / influencing/ persuading?
Identify your own style in negotiating and understand other people’s styles
In context with your working environment
Aiming for the ideal win –win situation
Identifying the key competencies of a successful negotiator/ influencer.
Four stages of successful negotiation
Gain co-operation by consent
Putting it all into practice
Personal Resilience
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
This workshop is designed to explore the factors that affect our ability to successfully manage pressure and the part that our emotional intelligence plays in developing greater personal resilience in situations that may be challenging. The course provides effective tools and techniques for developing self-awareness and emotion management, resulting in and greater satisfaction and productivity at work.
A combination of self-reflection, group discussion and exercises enables participants to identify the factors which most significantly impact their own ability to manage pressure, remain positive and in greater control of emotional response to challenge. A range of strategies and techniques that can be developed are discussed; enabling individuals to identify and plan some specific actions that they will take to increase their personal resilience at work.
What personal resilience is and why it is needed
Assessing current levels of emotional resilience and identifying areas for development
Developing self-awareness – tools and techniques
Understanding what creates emotional disturbance and our natural responses
Developing strategies for managing our thinking
Personal action planning
Persuading and Influencing People
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
The aim of the course is to provide participants with the skills and confidence to persuade and influence others in their every day work. To help people communicate their ideas and thoughts in meetings, informal presentations with colleagues and external clients. Developing skills so that the participants can effectively communicate at all levels is essential in building healthy relationships. Its not just about getting your own message across it’s about understanding others and choosing the best methods of communication which enable other people to respond positively.
Universal skills in social influence
Push v Pull techniques
How do others see things
Understanding others first
Putting your ideas forward
Using compelling communication to influence
Maximising Output
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
To provide participants with new ways of working more effectively and maximising the time that we all have available to us in our working days. Planning and prioritising activities which make the greatest impact is the key to being effective in whatever we do. We only have 168 hours a week, how well do we spend it? What is more important time or money? What should I do first? How do I stay in control? How will I ever get that done? These and many other questions will be asked and answered on this programme.
Identify the purpose of your job and key tasks in your everyday work.
Objective setting and knowing what you want
Benefits of planning and effective time management.
Prioritising and planning your work.
Staying in control of your time.
Tips to get the most out of your day.
Controlling and managing interruptions.
Working as a Team
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
To provide all of the participants with ways of working which promotes effective team work and working towards common goals. What does it take to be an effective team member and how best to participate in a highly effective team. To help people understand their own motivating values and those of others and the contribution we all make to achieve the end goal. To help team members to work across teams and departments and the business to promote well-being and effectiveness.
What do I do and how does it affect others in my organisation?
What makes an effective team and an effective team member?
Understanding all of our motivating values
Providing a proactive and supportive help
Being part of the solution to satisfying our customers.
How to Raise your Profile
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
How to develop a proactive approach to presenting yourself in the working environment effectively and ethically. To build confidence in networking situations and how to have a positive impact on others. To help develop understanding of yours and others behaviours, capabilities, attitudes, values and persona and the impact the have.
Swot analysis
Building self-esteem and confidence
The elevator speech ‘what do you do’
Networking effectively
How are you perceived?
Brand ‘you’
Communicating at all levels
Mental Toughness
Duration 3.5 hours
Course Aims
The aim of the programme is to provide the participants with new innovative ways of developing and managing their personal effectiveness and performance in the working environment. The programme looks at new ways to improve confidence, motivation, dealing with pressure, focusing and improving on areas that are important. The programme deals with sensitive issues in a challenging but supportive manner.
Programme Objectives
By the end of this training programme you will be able to:
Identify the key concepts of mental toughness
Keep your concentration and calmness under pressure
Focus on what is important and not get side tracked
Develop your self-esteem and confidence
Further develop personal strengths and skills in dealing with challenging situations.
Build levels of self-motivation and personal drive
What is mental toughness? And how it can benefit every one
Dealing with pressure
Creating the right mind set
Keeping the focus on the right things
Controlling the controllables
Developing self-belief and self-confidence to aid performance
Perfectionist tendencies v celebrating success
Developing yourself and coming out of your comfort zone
Developing high levels of self-motivation
Developing self-motivation to improve how we feel and perform
Creativity to inspire innovation
Personal Impact
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
The aim of the course is to provide participants with the skills and confidence to effectively communicate and develop their own personal impact when communicating with others.
It will help participants to effectively communicate their ideas and thoughts with different working groups, both internally and externally to the organisation.
Developing skills so that the participants can effectively communicate at all levels is essential in building healthy relationships, whilst demonstrating credibility and technical expertise.
It’s not just about getting your own message across, it’s about understanding others and choosing the best methods of communication which enable other people to respond positively.
Build credibility with people that matter
Identify the current impact you have on others and how you can develop it
Look at situations through the eyes of others to gain co-operation by consent
Build self-confidence and self-esteem in dealing with different personalities and situations
Network effectively in your working environment
Develop personal impact skills and develop presence in given situations
Managing My Self Development
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
Being able to manage your own self development is becoming more and more important. Often going on training courses and being involved in new projects makes us feel that we are not doing the day job. But what about you? Who is managing you and your career. If you don’t look after yourself who will?
This programme will help individuals take a new proactive approach to their own development to improve self-awareness, responsibilities, job performance, future opportunities and to contribute more and enjoy ones work.
This programme is an excellent way to help people take a proactive and involved approach to appraisals and performance reviews and to challenge themselves to maximise their contribution to their current job roles and use learning as an ongoing development and motivational opportunity.
Use learning as an ongoing opportunity and a way of life
Develop the importance of self-development – It is your responsibility
Identify your own individual strengths and weaknesses in your everyday work
Identify the key principles in self-development and career management
Linking the job role to competencies now and the future
Demonstrate the importance of your job role and your contribution to the organisations goals.
Write effective objectives using the SMART formula
Animating your Audiences
(Presentation Skills)
Duration 4 hours
Course Aims
The aim of this highly interactive 4 hour session is to provide the participants with the skills
and the confidence to effectively deliver presentations to inspire and inform their audiences at
all levels.
This fast moving and interactive session will provide the participants with the essential skills
to deliver effective presentations so their audiences will act upon their presentations in the
Structuring a presentation
Using mind maps to design presentations
What to include in your planning
Making the right impact
Why should people listen to you?
What’s in it for them? Who is your Audience?
How to present to get different out comes
Where and when are you presenting
Animating your Audiences into action
By the end of this training programme you will be able to:
Stand and Deliver effective Presentations
Design and deliver presentations that have the right impact
Engage and influence your audience
Present a stimulating presentation with confidence in front of others
Embracing Change
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
This session is designed to help participants deal with organisational change – recognising how to take advantage of the opportunities it presents whilst avoiding the pitfalls. Through increased understanding of reactions to change and their consequences, the aim is that participants will develop an increased awareness of their options and take ownership of the actions they can take to respond to organisational change positively and pro-actively.
Exploring the nature of change and the key drivers of organisational change
Evaluating the strategy and rationale behind current organisational changes
Assessing your attitude and some instinctive responses to change
Recognising potential implications of your choice of response
Using coaching questions to identify your personal change objectives
Emotional Intelligence
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
The aim of this session is to provide the participants with an overview of the subject of Emotional Intelligence, to deepen their awareness and understanding of their own and other people’s emotions in order to improve their working relationships and increase performance. This course will assist participants in recognising how their own emotions affect job performance and relationships with others and to develop strategies to manage their emotional state.
What is ‘Emotional Intelligence’ and how is it recognised?
The emotional brain and its impact on how we think, feel and act the way we do
Assessing levels of emotional intelligence in self and others
Methods of developing emotional competencies
How to identify and respond to emotionally-driven behaviour in others
Unconscious Bias
Duration 2 hours
Course Aims
We all have biases that could affect our behaviour and decision-making at work. Some of these we may be aware of, however many remain at the unconscious level and so can negatively impact our ability to behave in a way that is fully fair, balanced and inclusive. If left un-addressed, this can affect personal, team and organisational effectiveness.
To enable participants to understand the impact unconscious bias has on developing a diverse and inclusive organisation. To give participants the opportunity to consider their own and their organisation’s unconscious bias. To share strategies for managing unconscious bias
To provide participants with the opportunity to work together to focus on how to value difference in their workplace
What is unconscious bias and why does it occur?
What unconscious bias can ‘look like’ in organisations and what impact does it have on individual and organisational effectiveness?
Strategies for managing unconscious bias as individuals
Tackling bias in our organisation – what do we need to do?
Be Assertive!
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
To provide participants with an opportunity to reflect on the effectiveness of their interactions with others at work and ways to increase personal impact through enhanced communication skills, increased assertiveness and self-management strategies.
Recognising assertive and non-assertive behaviour
Developing empowering beliefs and avoiding unhelpful self-talk
Assertiveness techniques in practice
Learning from feedback
Personal action planning
Effective Meetings
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
This workshop explores what makes meetings effective, from how well planned they are to the specific behaviours during and after the event that help and hinder the achievement of the meeting’s objectives. By recognising the components and behaviours that contribute to making meeting effective, both meeting leaders and meeting participants can influence their success.
Identifying common problems with meetings
Defining a meeting’s purpose and desired outcomes
Key behaviours of the meeting leader to keep the meeting on track
Effective behaviours of meeting participants
Essential elements of meeting minutes
Creating a blueprint for meeting best practices
Making Decisions
Duration 3 hours
Course Aims
Making great decisions is an essential business skill. Learning to do this in a timely and well-considered way, can lead you and your team/colleagues to well-deserved success. This workshop gives you the opportunity to practice using decision making processes that can be applied both independently and in a team environment
Describe a range of decision making styles and your personal preferences
Use a range of techniques to understand an issue and determine potential solutions
Select a method of identifying a preferred solution or recommendation
Use a decision making process that gets full involvement from the whole team and creates commitment to action
Building great Relationships (Using the SDI)
Duration 3.5 hours
Course Aims
This workshop sets out to help people acquire a greater awareness of their own behavioural style and how best to approach those of different style preferences to build positive relationships and increase the opportunity to influence.
The Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) is a very colourful and powerful tool that helps people to: identify their personal strengths in relating to others, recognise when they might be ‘overplaying’ their strengths and potentially creating tensions in their relationships with others and understand how they and others respond to feeling in conflict in relationships.
Emotional intelligence, career success and self-awareness
Exploring the seven Motivational Value Systems of the SDI
Adapting communication style for increased effectiveness in interacting with others
Managing your strengths – recognising and avoiding overplays
Exploring interpersonal conflict and a recognising and managing a range of responses in self and others
Developing a personal action plan for improved relationships
Further Information...
The workshop is both reflective and interactive and will enable people to have a better understanding of how they and others prefer to communicate.
The insights and actions learnt through exploring and applying the SDI can be linked into other development programmes such as; coaching, communication, team development, dealing with conflict.
Will it help us sell more?
Will it make the boat go faster?
Will it make the car go faster?
Will it make the bike go faster?
Will it make me run faster?
Will it make me swim faster?
The sporting world is littered with this very simple concept.
Will all the activities that the team or sports person get involved help them improve performance and make them go faster and achieve their end goals?
Yes or No? (It’s as simple as that)
If yes, prioritise it against other activities and focus on the ones which have the biggest impact.
If No, why are we doing it? What benefit does it have? (Disregard it)
So how can we apply this simple concept to our working environment?
Will it help us sell more?
Will it help the customer to say yes more?
Will it improve quality?
Will it make our work more fun?
Will it help us make more money?
Will it help us improve client satisfaction?
Will it help us reach our vision or goal?
Yes or No
Whatever our purpose in business sometimes the simple activities are the most effective ones
Spend a day really thinking ‘Is what I am doing going to make a difference?’ Am I being efficient or effective? (If you don’t have time to do this because you’re doing a report that has no value, I rest my case)
There is nothing worse in business than spending lots of time and being efficient on tasks that don’t make a difference. As a young salesperson for a courier company it was drummed into me that
If I wasn’t in front of a customer or talking on the phone to customer I wasn’t working.
They stripped out unnecessary reports and activities and reduced our sales patches to reduce time in the car. This led to the courier vans reducing mileage because we concentrated on businesses closer to our depot.
Keep it simple and effective.
Looking for an even SHORTER course?
Check out our 45 minute sessions below...
Mental Toughness
Get more done with fewer resources and cope with all the pressure and still feel motivated and good about yourself.
‘What all in the same day?’
‘Well yes!!!’
‘Learn how to do take and be in control of what you do and how you do it’
‘Surely you can make time for that?’
Assertive Communication
Learn how to develop the ability to:
Say the right thing
In the right way
At the right time
With a much better chance in getting the right outcome!
Maximising Output
Learn how to:
Get more done in less time
Be Effective as well as Efficient
Learn the art of making the right impact by Prioritising
On the right topics by Goal setting
In the right way by Planning