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  • The People Animators

Managers – Get The Most From Your Performance Appraisal

Managers, get the most from YOUR performance appraisal.

Ensure that you treat yourself with the same level of care and attention that you give to your team.

As a manager, your time is spent leading your team, boosting your employees, furthering their careers, and helping them grow.

In this video, I discuss how to maximize the benefits of your performance appraisal as a manager.

It's important to have clear goals for your own career path to remain relevant and engaged in your industry.

As a manager, you may want more responsibility, autonomy, opportunities, training, a pay raise, or a promotion.

Even if you feel content with your current position, it's still essential to acknowledge your aspirations and seek new opportunities.

During the performance review process, learn how to communicate effectively with your own manager to set yourself up for long-term success.

If you would like any further help in making the transition into management, please do get in touch.


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