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one-to-one Coaching

It’s not always possible to solve individual development needs on training courses, so a great solution is one to one coaching and mentoring to develop, motivate, challenge and inspire your key personnel to build self-awareness and responsibility.

If you or members of your team have any recognisable personal development requirements, please email us with a short but concise description of the areas in mind and we will be delighted to respond with coaching suggestions and examples of similar experiences where we have demonstrated fantastic results.

Below are a sample of the topics that can be covered:


Providing a clear idea on areas of strength and where suggested improvements can be made. What development and understanding is needed to progress or even to keep up to pace with the organisation, competitors and the market? Personal learning to give a competitive edge.


Ability to organise oneself and others to maximum effectiveness.

Prioritising and planning ahead to utilise the time we have available.


Moving from Technical Expert to Manager

Providing a clear path from a technical role to managerial, developing the skills to enable others to take responsibility, learn and perform without micromanagement.

Moving from Management to Leadership

Stepping away from the day to day operations to developing a more strategic approach in relation to the direction of the team and the business.

Emotional Intelligence

Identifying and honing skills in self-management and relationship building to benefit the impact that we can have in our working environment.

Performing Under Pressure

Keeping calm and in control under pressure, so you may continue performing to the best of your ability in ever changing and potentially difficult situations.


Presentation Skills

A big presentation or pitch looming? Polish the presentation deck, edit, practice and repeat. Receive frank and honest feedback and tips.


Develop strong leadership style and characteristics to continually achieve great results and accomplishments.

Effective Communication With People

Getting the right message across - At the right time - In the right way



What motivates you and how to overcome any low periods of stress and frustration?


Living The Values

Understanding the importance of corporate values and social responsibilities. Living, breathing, appreciating and empowering.

Motivation Of Others

Looking at opportunities to recognise excellence, initiative and development.

Delivering Great Feedback

Maintain good performance and how to coach people to improve.

Providing a clear structure on giving effective feedback.

Management Style

What is the Manager’s style? The key will be to recognise and develop the relevant style and effectiveness appropriate for the team, situation or meeting.


Ensuring that success is generated in high level external and internal negotiations.

Delegation And Empowerment

The importance of skills allowing effective delegation and empowerment are essential in ensuring your team are challenged, responsible and motivated. This allows all levels of the company structure to focus on key tasks and achievements.


Being A Mentor

Providing work and life support to enable mentees to achieve personal and professional goals.



Taking control of thoughts and feelings so external factors do not negatively impact performance and responses to challenging situations.


Conflict Management

Dealing with difficult situations quickly and effectively

Preventing conflict before it escalates

Dealing with difficult conversations



Selling of ideas instead of enforcing them to provide a more participative, inclusive and enthusiastic leadership style.


People Skills

Understanding team members and effective communication methods from email to face to face and team meetings to individual reviews.

Strategic Thinking

Understanding and appreciating the impact your role and team has on the business and the development of new ideas and strategies to improve effectiveness.


Goal Setting

Is time passing by without any progress? Being focused, clear and passionate about want you want to achieve and how you will achieve it.


People Problem Solving

Turning difficult people problems into opportunities to coach and develop people.


Coaching Concept

To provide ongoing coaching support for senior managers throughout the year. A variety of subjects covered on a supportive and confidential basis to develop action plans for work and personal objectives.

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